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Mughni al-Muhtaj ila Marifat Maani Alfaz al-Minhaj (8 vol Set) By Shams al-Din Muhammad

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Mughni al-Muhtaj ila Marifat Maani Alfaz al-Minhaj (8 vol Set) By Shams al-Din Muhammad

SKU: 14490
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Mughni al-Muhtaj ila Marifat Maani Alfaz al-Minhaj (8 vol Set) By Shams al-Din Muhammad,مغني المحتاج إلى معرفة معاني ألفاظ المنهاج

ISBN: 9789933531508

Author: Shams al-Din Muhammad Bin Ahmad

Binding: Hardcover (8 Vol Se)

Pages: 6224

Size: 9.6 x 6.9 x 1.4 inch

Publication Year: 2022

Language: Arabic


About This Book:

Al-Imam al-Subki (765 H) said regarding al-Minhaj of al-Imam al-Nawawi stated "in the present day, this work is the most suitable literature for students and many scholars to understand the madhhab." The al-Minhaj includes over one hundred says. It has been compressed, explained, annotated, and versified (assembled as poetry).

Al-Minhaj's four major statements are:

(1) Tuhfat al-muhtaj by al-Imam Ahmad ibn Ali ibn Hajar al-Haytami al-Makki (974 H), (2) Nihayat al-muhtaj ila sharh al-Minhaj by al-Imam Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Hamzah al-Ramli (1004 H), (3) Mughni al-muhtaj ila ma'rifat al-ma'ani alfaz sharh al-Minhaj by al-Imam Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmad al Khatib al-Shirbini (977 H) which is the current book and (4) Kanz al-raghibin sharh Minhaj al-talibin by al-Imam Jalal al-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Mahalli (864 H).

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